Zhanna D’art Death: How Extreme Veganism is Harmful 

Zhanna D’art death news has come as a jolt to her social media followers. The social media influencer passed away at the age of just 39 after eating only tropical food for four years. While she amassed great popularity on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok for advocating raw veganism, the lifestyle proved fatal for her in the end. Many netizens were drawn to her lifestyle, and her social media popularity earned her great popularity and success, but at the ultimate cost. This news raises a thought-provoking question – how far can extreme veganism go?

Zhanna D’art death news has triggered a widespread debate on veganism. While people are criticising the practice of extreme veganism, some insist on defending it. Nutritionist and Regional Head of Nutrition And Dietetics at Max Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi, Ritika Sammadar, told the Indian Express that following a tropical food diet of only jackfruit brought a severe deficiency of protein, iron, calcium and Vitamin B12. Although a vegan diet has certain health benefits, it must be balanced in nature and should not be followed without proper medical supervision.

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