Why Gen Z Generation has a Higher Risk of Heart Problems 

Among the many health problems that the Gen Z generation is prone to, heart diseases are arguably the most alarming crisis that needs to be countered. The younger ‘internet’ generation of today have a lot of exposure, which may have unlimited advantages, but its disadvantages can be catastrophic. Spending excess time on social media has become one of the leading causes of hypertension, and a big portion of the younger population consequently suffers from hypertension today. However, this problem spreads beyond the excessive use of gadgets and social media.
Gen Z generation is habituated to a very poor lifestyle, which includes daily consumption of processed foods, having an irregular sleep pattern and no consistent exercise routine. Leading such a lifestyle can be detrimental to your health in the long term and severely affects your blood circulation. The youngsters are also increasingly giving in to indulgences like smoking and consuming alcohol, which only worsens the hypertension problem. Last but not least, we also have to pay attention to the rising stress levels in the Gen Z generation. Being exposed to too much stimulus and poor lifestyle habits has caused higher levels of stress in youngsters. All these factors have left the youth exposed to dangerous heart problems that may very well lead to a health crisis if not tackled in time.

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