WHO says hundreds of millions of life years lost to the pandemic

The economic damage that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused to the world is known to all, but WHO has recently shared a note on the loss of life years that it has caused. Millions of premature deaths have been reported during the course of this pandemic as it has taken away hundreds of millions of life years, according to the World Health Organisation. They have further revealed that Covid is officially responsible for seven million deaths around the world, with the actual numbers estimated to be around 20 million.  

The two years of Covid have taken a total of nearly 337 million life years away from the world, according to these estimates. WHO has also added that it has derailed many other health-related progress indicators. These include the improvements recorded in maternal and child health in the last two decades. This catastrophic pandemic has caused a massive economic slowdown around the world, and several countries are on the verge of recession and will likely take years to repair the mass-scale financial damages. 

Image source: ANI

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