WHO expresses distrust towards Artificial Intelligence; what does that mean?

Artificial Intelligence promises to be a boon for the healthcare sector as far as most experts are concerned, but WHO does not seem to agree. In a recent statement, the World Health Organisation has recently stated that using AI in healthcare can lead to major problems such as bias and misinformation that can do more harm than good. They have further added that it is “imperative” to analyse the risks that are involved in using AI systems like ChatGPT in this sector before applying it in the real world.  

WHO’s concerns will certainly prompt governments around the world to add multiple layers of inspection and security before deciding to actually opt for AI in this sector. Misinformation and bias can potentially put millions of lives around the world in danger; and any possibility of AI being prone to these problems need to be taken rather seriously. Quite recently, Joe Biden had summoned the executives of Microsoft and Google to ensure controlled growth in AI after Google’s top AI mind Geoffrey Hinton resigned, citing misinformation concerns. The concerns of WHO thus need to be taken seriously to ensure that AI can be implemented in healthcare to transform it for the better. 

Image source: ANI

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