After Covid, WHO declares that Monkeypox no more a global health emergency

The World Health Organization had recently announced that coronavirus was no longer a global health emergency and has reached its endemic stage. The forum made another positive announcement today saying that mpox, or formerly known as monkeypox, is no longer a global health emergency either. WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on the matter, “Yesterday, the emergency committee for mpox met and recommended to me that the multicountry outbreak of mpox no longer represents a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. I have accepted that advice. And I’m pleased to declare that mpox is no longer a global health emergency,” as per NBC. 

WHO’s records show that over 87,000 people got this virus and 140 deaths across 111 countries. The United States of America alone recorded 30,000 of those cases with 42 deaths since May 2022. However, its spread and impact appear to have been contained, which ultimately prompted WHO to take this decision of lowering the guard. However, it has also recommended preventive measures to continue according to what the situation demands. 

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