When is the ideal time to have caffeine?

Caffeine has become an inseparable part of our daily lives. In an exhausting urban life, most people turn to caffeine to keep up their energy and alertness throughout the day, whether in the form of morning tea, coffee or even energy drinks. Parallelly, they also struggle with managing their caffeine consumption, as it can greatly hamper our sleeping patterns and affect our health in the long term. So, when is the ideal time to have caffeine?  

Studies show that caffeine has a better effect if you consume it 30-45 minutes after you wake up, as opposed to drinking it right away. Having caffeine 30 minutes before your workout will also prove productive as it increases cortisol in your body, a hormone which increases alertness in your body. However, you need to stay away from heavily caffeinated drinks after 7 p.m. at the latest to avoid late-night hyperactivity and disrupt your sleep. At the end of the day, caffeine can be highly useful to get your day going if consumed properly. 

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