We Can Now Use LED Lights to Provide Internet Connectivity

Commercial and residential buildings around the world are rapidly switching to LED lights for better brightness with limited electricity consumption. But a new technical breakthrough has now made it possible for us to use LED lights to provide an internet connection. The lead corresponding author of this breakthrough study and associate professor at the University of Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute, Dr Wei Zhang, said, “We have made a huge leap forward and shown how metal-halide perovskites could provide a cost-efficient and powerful solution to make LEDs which have enormous potential to increase their bandwidths into the gigahertz levels,” as per Gadgets Now.

He further stated, “The insights gained from this research will undoubtedly shape the future of data communication. The ability to achieve solution-processed perovskite emitters on silicon substrates also paves the way for their integration with micro-electronics platforms, presenting new opportunities for seamless integration and advancement in the field of data communications.” While this technology has been welcomed by the tech world with open arms, it will undergo several other tests before it can enter the public market.

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