USA files charges against Apple’s ex-employee for attempting to steal technology for China  

The USA has filed a total of five charges against Apple’s ex-employee for his alleged efforts to steal an important piece of automobile technology and hand it over for the benefit of China, Russia and Iran. Matt Olsen, the Head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, revealed during a press conference that Apple’s ex-employee, who is identified as Weibao Wang, tried to steal the company’s autonomous systems, including self-driving cars, and hand it over to “foreign adversaries.” Wang was an engineer by profession and was hired by Apple in 2016 before eventually joining a Chinese-based car company in 2017.  

It was discovered after his last day at Apple that he had accessed large amounts of data just a few days before his last day in the company. Federal agents searched his home in 2018 and found large bouts of data from the company, but Wang boarded a plane to China soon after the search. However, the tech giant has not released a statement on this matter yet. More details about these charges against Apple’s former employee are expected to be released soon. 

Image source: ANI

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