USA Calls China a Biothreat, Chinese Foreign Ministry Hits Back 

Levying a major accusation against China, the USA has called the country a biothreat in its Biodefence Posture Review 2023. The Pentagon described China as a ‘long-term threat’, citing its aggressive developments in biological weapons. The report read, “The United States has compliance concerns with respect to PRC military medical institutions’ toxin research and development given their potential as a biothreat. The PRC has also released plans to make China the global leader in technologies like genetic engineering, precision medicine, and brain sciences. These Chinese publications have called biology a new domain of war.”

The label of a biothreat has expectedly upset China, whose Foreign Ministry has issued a sharp response to this report, as per a Republic report. Their spokesperson said on this matter, “The American side has been spreading lies, provoking antagonism, and causing major damage to the security system, which is based on a convention prohibiting biological and toxin weapons. As we all know, it is the United States that carries out the most biomilitary activities in the world, carries out the most actions that raise doubts.” The two nations have been at loggerheads on several issues pertaining to bioweapons and other geopolitical issues, which are likely not to be resolved in the near future.

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