UN Chief Guterres Calls for Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 

On the occasion of the 78th Nagasaki Day, UN chief Guterres has asked every nuclear state in the world to give up their nuclear arms to completely wipe out their presence from the world. He wrote a message describing the destruction that took place in Nagasaki, adding that such an event should never occur again. “78 years ago, atomic weapons were used on Nagasaki. We must never again allow such devastation to occur. The only way to eliminate the nuclear risk is to eliminate nuclear weapons,” UN chief Guterres said.

In the month of August 1945, the United States dropped nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which led to catastrophic destruction unlike the world had ever seen. Over 2,00,000 people lost their lives due to these nuclear explosions, which brought an end to the Second World War. A total of nine countries currently have nuclear weapons, which includes the United States of America, Russia, China, India, Israel, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, France and North Korea. While India holds nuclear weapons to counter the nuclear threats of China and Pakistan, it maintains its ‘No First Use’ policy on nuclear weapons.

Image source: AP

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