UK PM Rishi Sunak introduces Anti-Obesity Drug Pilot 

UK PM Rishi Sunak is working aggressively towards improving the health sector in the country, as visible in his announcement of the Anti-Obesity drug pilot scheme. This scheme is said to last for two years, where general practitioners will prescribe drugs to people who are suffering from at least one obesity-induced health condition. Sunak, whose father was himself a general practitioner, stated that obesity puts major pressure on their healthcare sector, and hence proactive measures are being taken to reduce obesity and reduce the waiting lists for getting medical procedures.  

Making a brief statement on this matter, UK PM Rishi Sunak said, “Using the latest drugs to support people to lose weight will be a game-changer by helping to tackle dangerous obesity-related health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer — reducing pressure on hospitals, supporting people to live healthier and longer lives, and helping to deliver on my priority to cut NHS waiting lists.” The British government is also working on receiving approvals for other drugs that will further boost this process.   

Image source: PTI

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