U.S. President Joe Biden summons Microsoft and Google CEOs

Amid rising concerns about rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence, President Joe Biden has called upon the CEOs of America’s biggest tech conglomerates, Microsoft and Alphabet, Google’s parent company. The agenda of this meeting was made clear – making sure that their AI technologies were safe before being launched for public use. While millions of people around the world are already using tools like ChatGPT, these companies are making strong advancements in this technology that has caused a mass concern.  

This comes just a few days after Google’s AI veteran Geoffrey Hinton resigned from his position, citing the dangers of AI advancements on society. He claimed that aggressively pursuing these developments without having tangent regulations will create a misinformation crisis in the future. His resignation has caused a major hysteria in the tech world. This likely compelled Joe Biden to hold this meeting, where all the key concerns regarding Artificial Intelligence technology will be discussed.

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