Trying to Pace with OpenAI, Google failed to deliver depending on Reddit

Google’s “AI Overview” feature has recently gained attention for providing hilariously inaccurate suggestions, such as using Nutella instead of thermal paste for cooling PCs or using glue to thicken pizza cheese. The feature, which isn’t available in the EU, might face the chopping block soon due to these unpredictable and potentially dangerous results. The unpredictability of these outcomes, likely influenced by Google’s deal with Reddit, where it draws data for its AI training sets, underscores the need for caution and further investigation.

Reddit users have pointed out the uncanny resemblance between Google’s suggestions and old Reddit comments, suggesting that the AI may be drawing information from the platform. It’s speculated that Google is employing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to fetch data from Reddit, a technique that enhances prediction accuracy by incorporating external datasets. While this approach is intended to offer more relevant search results, it has proven to be a double-edged sword with Google’s AI Overview feature. Overcoming this issue without significant human intervention poses a formidable challenge for Google, underscoring the complexity of the task at hand.

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