Taiwan FM Expresses ‘Appetite’ to Deepen Ties with India 

Taiwan FM Jaushieh Joseph Wu has recently expressed the country’s desire to deepen bilateral relations with India to keep China’s aggression in check. Wu spoke about a potential free trade agreement between India and Taiwan, stating that it would propel Taiwanese companies to set up manufacturing bases in India and that the Taiwanese government is encouraging these companies to move their operations in India, as per PTI. He said, “India is a rising power, it is rising rapidly. It can not be ignored especially with its demographic dividend and very diligent entrepreneurs. India has its economic strengths for the future. It is going to be very powerful. And of course, we hope we will continue to have good ties with India.” He also added that a free trade agreement was necessary between the two nations to deepen their ties and achieve their individual and shared interests.

Taiwan FM also said, “Our trade relations have been picking up steam. The Taiwanese investors are hungry for India, and the semiconductor cooperation between Taiwan and India is being blessed by the top leadership of the two countries. What we see is a very prosperous future bilateral relations between India and Taiwan, and we will continue to work hard to strengthen it further.” Wu further revealed that their government has conveyed this message to New Delhi. Taiwan today produces 70 percent of the world’s semiconductors, a key component in all electrical gadgets today, and 90 percent of the advanced chips which are used in smartphones, AI, fighter jets and more. Consequently, that trade between India and Taiwan has been steadily increasing over the years.

Image source: Taiwan Foreign Ministry

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