Stats say that 89% of Indian Businesses rely on Canva for designing their creatives

According to Canva’s Visual Economy report, 89% of Indian business leaders are exploring AI-powered tools to accelerate content production despite cautious technology spending.

These tools are used for creating presentations, videos, and data visualizations. The report surveyed 3,707 business leaders across 12 markets, including India, the US, and the UK. It found that 73% of respondents observed increased business performance due to visual communication. Moreover, 97% of leaders expect non-design employees to possess some design skills, and 67% are providing training to meet this need.

Canva’s co-founder, Cameron Adams, highlighted the importance of visuals and AI in improving team communication and achieving better financial results. He emphasized that visual communication is crucial in the digital age for connecting workplaces and engaging audiences. Canva has launched Canva Enterprise, a subscription-based service for large companies, amid rising interest in generative AI-focused design solutions from competitors like Adobe. The company also introduced updates, including a revamped user interface and enhancements to its AI-focused Magic Studio, launched in October 2023.

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