Srinagar G20 Summit: What it means for Jammu and Kashmir  

Srinagar G20 Summit is set to begin today and continue till May 24, when delegates from all over the world will come to Jammu and Kashmir and explore the region and its potential. Kashmir has witnessed a volatile past that was marked by terrorism, stone pelting, and political and economic instability in the past three decades. The aspirations of an entire generation of Kashmiri youth were overshadowed by this past, but this G20 Summit promises to be a game-changer for this entire region for several reasons.  

Security has been tightened in the state ahead of this event after the recent terror attacks on military convoys in Poonch and Rajouri. The Srinagar G20 Summit will play a critical role in highlighting the economic opportunities for organisations around the world who will be looking to make massive investments in the state. This will ultimately increase employment for locals and make J&K an economically prosperous state. This summit can change Jammu and Kashmir’s future for the better, and it is hence being prioritised at a national level. 

Image source: ANI

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