Smartwatches Could Detect Parkinson’s 7 Years Prior to Symptoms

Technology holds unlimited potential in healthcare, and smartwatches are perhaps the best example of this claim. A new study has found that smartwatches are capable of detecting Parkinson’s disease 7 years before the symptoms actually appear. According to Financial Express, a team of scientists has conducted research on over 1,00,000 people who used movement-tracking devices and were able to detect the minute aspects of body movement that can be used to ascertain whether the persona has any chances of developing Parkinson’s disease in the future.
Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects the central nervous system and causes problems like tremors, problems in cognitive functioning of the brain and other symptoms that affect a person’s day-to-day activities. Movement tracking devices like smartwatches, which also monitor your vital signs like heart rate and oxygen level, will be greatly effective in detecting such conditions, which can be treated before their damage becomes irreversible in nature. Many tech and medical experts around the world have also claimed that artificial intelligence will be a major game-changer in detecting and treating other major health problems ahead of its time. Only time will tell how quickly AI will be able to integrate with the healthcare systems of the world.

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