Separation Anxiety: How to help your dog overcome this problem

Pet dogs often experience separation anxiety when they are away from their owners. While most pet owners get their furry friends trained for day-to-day activities such as understanding basic commands, training your dogs to deal with separation anxiety often goes overlooked. Dogs are emotive creatures who are highly attached to their owners and will likely panic when their owners leave them for hours, especially if they are left alone. Dr Adarsh from Drools Pet Food Pvt. Ltd. Has shared a few ways in his conversation with Financial Express about how you can help your dog overcome this problem.  

Short separation periods  

Dogs can undergo severe bouts of separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. Owners usually end up leaving them for hours due to office work, which triggers their anxiety. But leaving them on their own periods will get them used to being without you and getting anxious. You can start by leaving them alone for 10-15 minutes and gradually increasing the time gap as they start getting more comfortable without your presence.  

Give them enough physical and mental exercise  

Dogs require a high amount of exercise on a daily basis, especially bigger breeds. Giving them enough playtime and long walks will keep them mentally engaged, thereby reducing the scope for separation anxiety. Pet shops these days have ample products that will provide mental stimulation for your dogs and give them something to do while you’re not present.  

Seek professional help  

Many dog and animal experts are available today who help people to train their pets. These experts have sought detailed knowledge about basic and complex animal behaviour that you may not understand. There is always the option to seek their help, especially when your dog experiences separation anxiety on a frequent basis.  

Use calming products  

Dog owners will find calming oils and other related products at basically every pet shop today. These oils help dogs to relax and are completely safe for use. They can be directly fed to dogs or inserted in their food, but care must be taken to only use branded products that are certified b by the medical authorities. 

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