Russian Government Bans Officials From Using iPhones

Amidst the West’s continued support to Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia, the Russian government has issued a whip to all its officials and barred them from using the iPhones going forward. Its Federal Security Service (FSS) has notified thousands of government officials to stop using all Apple products, such as iPhones and iPads, as per the Financial Express. The FSS asked these officials to opt for alternate devices stating that Apple devices are being used by the United States government to spy on Russia.

Parallelly, several reports had emerged recently which stated that America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was in contact with Ukrainian agencies to take down social media accounts that were posting pro Russian Government content on their pages. The Western nations have been proactively supporting Ukraine on diplomatic and economic levels by imposing sanctions on Russia ever since the beginning of their ongoing conflict. This conflict has continued for nearly a year and a half with no visible end. While both sides have suffered heavy casualties in the past year, this conflict is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

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