Russia-Ukraine crisis: Kyiv claims three Ukraine villages ‘freed’ 

The Russia-Ukraine crisis has nearly continued for nearly a year and a half, with no visible signs of a conclusion. However, the Ukrainian capital Kyiv has reported a major development from the conflict zone, claiming that they have ‘liberated’ three villages from Russia’s clutches, as per Independent. Ukraine had recently launched a counteroffensive against Russia with backing from the West, and their claims hint that they have finally retrieved tangible results. They have reportedly regained control over Blahodatne, Donetsk and Makarivka, as per these claims.
They have also claimed that Ukranian forces are advancing towards Bakhmut to counter the advancing Russian forces. Geopolitical experts believe Bakhmut to be the deciding factor in this Russia-Ukraine crisis and that whichever side attains reign over this region will emerge victorious in this conflict. The Western nations led by the United States of America and NATO continue to lobby for Ukraine and are likely to raise this issue in G20 Summit, which will be held in India later this year. While diplomatically, they continue to attack Russia, these countries continue to provide military and financial aid to Ukraine, despite the rapidly-escalating economic problems in Europe.

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