Protein-Rich Foods That Will Help You Shed Weight

You may have heard many fitness experts recommending protein-rich food items in your diet. The diet is the key factor that will help you lose weight, and you can only do so by having larger amounts of protein and fibre with lesser carbohydrates. Since it can be hassling to search for food items that can bring you the best results, here are a few protein-rich foods that will help you lose weight and burn more fat.

Paneer (Cottage Cheese)
Paneer is perhaps the best option for vegetarians to fill their diet with protein-rich foods. It can be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well. It is the only dairy product that is low-fat and has higher amounts of protein. It also has calcium, which can help in breaking down fats in your body as well as promoting fat absorption.

Chicken breast
For those who prefer a non-vegetarian diet, having chicken breast daily can be a treat. It has very low calories with very high amounts of protein, which makes it an apt weight loss partner. People who prefer chicken can stick to their diet even during outings, as most restaurants today serve top-quality and tasty chicken items. However, one must not take care of not having fried chicken, as it would defeat the whole purpose of weight loss. Instead, you can opt for grilled or roasted chicken.

Fish is extremely rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help in keeping inflammation low. It also helps in controlling insulin sensitivity in your body, which can make a huge difference in how much fat your body burns. This is because it ensures that your body does not retain or store fat, which helps in burning it.

Greek Yoghurt
Greek yoghurt has an excellent amount of protein and calcium and can be consumed as a side meal. You may also mix it with dates or a banana and have it as a breakfast smoothie if you find it difficult to have it in its raw form. Greek yoghurt is available in most supermarkets today, but you must make sure to buy only Greek yoghurt and not flavoured yoghurt, as it contains a lot of sugar.

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