PM Modi highlighted efforts of Congress to appease minorities for votes

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday criticized Congress for its vote bank politics, asserting that he never spoke against minorities. Modi emphasized that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) opposes Congress’s religious-based reservation policies, which he claims undermine the decisions of India’s constitution-makers. Modi accused Congress of betraying the Constitution’s intent by attempting to provide reservations based on religion. He highlighted that figures like Babasaheb Ambedkar and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru decided against such measures. Modi declared it his responsibility to expose Congress’s deviation from these constitutional principles. Modi reiterated that BJP’s campaign speeches aim to reveal the opposition’s efforts to appease minorities for votes.

Modi clarified that the BJP has never acted against minorities, asserting that all citizens are equal and rejecting the concept of “special citizens.” In rallies, Modi accused Congress of attempting to reduce SC-ST reservations to benefit Muslims, referencing incidents from 2004 to 2010 when Congress allegedly tried to implement such policies in Andhra Pradesh. Recalling personal accusations, Modi mentioned a false claim by former Gujarat CM Amarsinh Chaudhary about owning 250 pairs of clothes. Modi turned the allegation to his advantage, asking the public if they preferred a CM accused of stealing ₹250 crore or one with 250 clothes, receiving overwhelming support for the latter. On his personal integrity and public service, Modi noted, “A person who has worked as CM for 13 years and as PM for ten years, and whose 100-year-old mother spends her last days in a government hospital, doesn’t need a brand; the country can understand that (my) life is somewhat different.”

[Image Source: Kashmir Observer]

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