PM Modi at BRICS: Why This Bloc is Important for the World 

The stage is set for PM Modi at BRICS Summit, which is taking place in South Africa this year. BRICS, which has Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as its member nations, has become one of the most important blocs in the world today for several reasons. BRICS nations represent 42% of the population of our world, 30% of its landmass, 23% of the world’s GDP, and nearly 18% of all trade that takes place on Earth. But this bloc extends far beyond the game of statistics as well.

PM Modi at BRICS is expected to voice the opinions and needs of the global south – the nations that are at a developing stage. For long, the ‘First World’ nations, which are primarily based on Western nations, used to dominate the narrative of the world as per their needs and interests, which would often go against the interest of the global south. Towards this vision, several other countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and many others have shown interest in joining BRICS for multilateral interests and cooperation.

Image source: MEA India

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