Niger Coup Leaders Face Global Pressure Amid Anti-West Protests

Niger coup leaders have taken over the reins of the country after anti-France and anti-West protests have been catching force across the country. The people of Niger have been protesting against France and the West’s influence in their country, claiming that these nations have been draining their natural resources for their own benefit. Niger coup leaders made use of this unrest to replace the country’s former political establishment, which has not been welcomed by the United States and the West. President Joe Biden has called for a fair democratic process to elect Nigerian leadership.

Biden said in a statement, “The Nigerien people have the right to choose their leaders. They have expressed their will through free and fair elections — and that must be respected,” as per AP. In light of this rising international pressure, Niger’s current ruling leader General Abdourahmane Tchiani has asked their citizens to be prepared to defend their nation against foreign powers. They have also shut down France’s military base in the country. As the situation continues to escalate in this region, speculations of a possible Western military operation in the country.

Image source: AP

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