Mumbai Police issued a statement addressing the altercation with Raveena Tandon outside her residence over a parking issue

Mumbai Police issued a statement addressing the altercation involving Actress Raveena Tandon outside her residence over a parking issue

A video circulating on social media shows Raveena Tandon amidst a crowd, struggling as people pushed her and threatened her driver. The incident occurred on Saturday night on Carter Road in Bandra. According to the police, Raveena Tandon’s driver was reversing the car to park when three individuals from a family felt endangered by the maneuver. This led to a heated argument, but both parties eventually left the scene. Police later arrived and questioned Tandon’s staff and the other party, but both denied filing any complaints.The viral video captures Raveena Tandon pleading for calm and asking the crowd not to hit her. The situation escalated when the driver’s actions allegedly resulted in three people being struck by the vehicle, inciting anger and a confrontation.

The Khar police station recorded a station diary entry, though no formal First Information Report (FIR) has been filed. An official from the Khar police station reported that after the driver reversed the car, a crowd gathered, confronting Tandon and her driver within the premises of a building on Carter Road. Allegations were made that Tandon, under the influence, assaulted a woman upon exiting the vehicle. Despite these accusations, the police confirmed that no one was injured, and no complaints were lodged by either party involved. As of now, Raveena Tandon has not commented on the incident. The police have assured that the situation is under control and reiterated that no formal complaints have been made by any side. The incident highlights the escalating tensions over minor issues and the power of social media in spreading such events.

[Image Source: News Analysis India]

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