Multiple explosions reported in Kyiv; Is Russia closing in?

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict appears to have taken a new turn as multiple explosions have been reported from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. The Russian military has kept Kyiv cornered for a while now, and these explosions have now raised an alarm about whether they have managed to penetrate the city. However, Ukraine’s military administration has told the Associated Press that these explosions were caused due to the falling of debris in a non-residential building. However, there are no further details that can verify the nature of this explosion.  

The battle between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for well over a year now and is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. The West, led by the United States of America, has been aiding Ukraine economically and militarily by providing them defence systems to counter Russia’s advanced missiles, which includes Kinzhal aero-ballistic hypersonic missiles which were recently fired on various locations in Ukraine. However, Kyiv has managed to keep Russia at bay till now, and this war will likely continue since neither side is ready to back down or hold a diplomatic dialogue. 

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