Microsoft Accused of ‘Unfair’ Business Practices in Cloud

Google and other tech companies have levied strong accusations against Microsoft, claiming that they have been indulging in questionable business practices. As per a Reuters report, Google and other companies have expressed their concerns to the Federal Trade Commission in the United States, which reads, “Licensing terms enforced by Microsoft, Oracle, and other legacy on-premises software providers distort competition in the cloud.” Furthermore, Google also states that companies that have purchased software from Microsoft are also experiencing trouble when extending the licenses to Microsoft’s top cloud competitors.

Essentially, this practice makes it difficult for potential clients of Microsoft’s competitors to access their services if they use Microsoft devices. It consequently damages the business of top servers like Google Cloud and other related services. While Microsoft has maintained that it continues to uphold its commitment towards inter-connected cloud connectivity, it has been facing heat from Google and other top companies like Oracle. However, none of these companies has made a public statement regarding this matter, as it gets pursued legally. More updates on this escalating matter are now expected.

Image source: Reuters

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