Mexico Records Over 100 Heat-Related Deaths 

The temperatures in Mexico have been soaring beyond control as it recorded over 100 heat-related deaths in the span of less than two weeks. Along with more than a hundred deaths, the Latin American nation has also reported more than 1000 medical emergencies that were caused because of the heat between June 12 and June 25, as per AFP. Similar cases of deaths were also reported from Mexico earlier this year between April 14 and May 31, wherein 8 people passed away due to heat along with several other cases of medical problems.
While heat stroke has been the leading cause of these deaths, dehydration follows soon after. The Mexican health ministry reported that the temperature reached as high as 49 degrees Celsius, which amounts to 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the state of Sonora. The health authorities have also sent a warning stating that the country could face another heatwave, which may increase the number of heat-related deaths The United Nations announced earlier this year that the five-year period between 2023 and 2027 will likely be the hottest years ever, which will impact nations all over the world.

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