Mental Health: How giving up smoking improves your mental strength

It is common knowledge that mental health is influenced by external factors much more than internal reasons. Many smokers express their wish to give up their bad habits but can’t get them to do it. Although it is said that smoking gives them a sense of relaxation, a new study conducted by Oxford University’s wing Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences in the United Kingdom has found that keeping away from your cigarettes also has a great impact on your mental health.  

The scientists at this university have conducted clinical trials in 16 countries between 2011 and 2015, where over 4000 smokers participated. It was noted that after 24 weeks of giving up smoking, the participants witnessed a major reduction in their depression and anxiety levels. A notable interrelation can also be found between the physical harm caused by smoking and the affected mental health of the person. It can be extremely difficult for a smoker to practice abstinence for the initial few weeks or even months, but getting through that phase can make a major long-term difference in a person’s physical and mental health.   

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