Lupin launches its HIV drug Darunavir in United States

Indian pharmaceutical giant Lupin has introduced its HIV drug Darunavir 600 mg and 800 mg to the US market. These medicines are said to be the treatment for HIV-1 and can also be taken with other prescribed tablets to control HIV infection and its damage to the human body. The contained virus gives space to your body’s immune cells, which ultimately improves health. According to IQVIA MAT March 2023, Darunavir is estimated to earn $308 million in sales every year, which will be a massive boost to India’s pharmaceutical sector and exports.   

Major developments have also been reported in the treatment of cancer, as a new pill has cut the lung cancer death rates in half in patients whose tumour has been removed surgically, as per a report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Their results have shown a reduction of death rate by 51% for the treated patients when compared with placebo. This drug has been created by the global pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. However, no permanent and comprehensive cure has been found for either of the diseases. 

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