Low-Calorie Diets Can Slow Ageing, Study Reveals

People around the world are today adopting all kinds of low-calorie diets to achieve their fitness goals. But it is a lesser-known fact that these diets can also significantly slow down your ageing process and make you feel younger from the inside out. This was revealed in a recent study by Columbia University in New York, which states among the many benefits of low-calorie diets is delayed ageing. Dan Belsky, who is the assistant professor of epidemiology at the university, has briefly confirmed this news to NBC and shared his insights.

Belsky said, “The main take-home of our study is that it is possible to slow the pace of biological aging and that it may be possible to achieve that slowing through modification of lifestyle and behavior.” Many people are adopting extreme low-calorie diets like Keto, which has been found to be useful in weight loss in several cases. However, weight loss is ultimately caused by a calorie deficit and can be achieved by following a balanced diet that does not contain any processed food or sugar. Parallelly, it will make you look and feel younger as your body gets the best nutrition for a prolonged period of time.

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