Keto Diet Helps in Fighting Deadly Cancer, Study Reveals 

It is a well-known fact that the Keto diet has a vast range of health benefits. But a recent study shows that not only does it help you to lose weight and maintain your health, but it also contributes to fighting cancer, according to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, US. Their study claims that this diet enormously slows down the tumour’s growth and kills cancer cells by a process called ferroptosis. However, it can also lead to the early formation of a disease called cachexia.
In the Keto diet, one has to consume high amounts of protein and good fats while consuming negligible carbs. This jolts your metabolism to burn more fat and retain more muscle after a few weeks of disciplined dieting. While it also helps in countering cancer, it is important to note that the Keto diet should not be seen as a substitute for proper cancer treatment. The adoption of this type of diet should also be done with proper consulting to make sure that it does not produce any adverse effects on your health.

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