Keep up your monsoon health with these food ingredients

The monsoon is almost here, which means it is time to change your homely arrangements that can fit this changing weather. The rainy season commonly causes health problems among people in the form of viral, common cold, and flu, to name a few. Even if you stick to homemade flu, germs and bacteria can enter your body and affect your immune system. But here are a few ingredients you can use in your meals to keep the monsoon germs at bay.  


Ginger is widely used as a cold remedy in Indian households because of its soothing aroma and strong taste. However, you can use ginger in your everyday food and beverages, such as tea, which is popularly consumed during monsoon by most people. Having ginger will boost your immunity and prevent germs from entering and spreading in your body.  


Tulsi leaves are also popularly considered healthy and holy in Indian culture for all practical and religious purposes. Also known as basil, Tulsi leaves are consumed in their raw form by many people on a daily basis. It has rich antioxidants that make it a natural immunity booster. It is used in anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal remedies and is thus given importance in Ayurveda.  


Garlic is a key food ingredient in almost all types of cuisines because of the excellent flavour and aroma it adds to the food. However, its health benefits often get overlooked because of its taste. It boosts digestion and acts as a great detox for your immune system. It also improves your cardiovascular system, and it thus promotes well-being in the human body, especially during monsoon.  


Turmeric is another spice that is consumed daily by Indians, especially during monsoon. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent joint and body aches, even when rains limit your activity, and keeps you indoors for most parts of the day. It also enhances the production of white blood cells and does not allow any germs to penetrate through your immune system. 

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