John Abraham seen Rocking Outfits by Kunal!

“Flaunting something which I don’t usually do” – says John Abraham in his Instagram stories.

With a numerous projects lined up to launch through-out this year, John Abraham was seen rocking elegant outfit by Kunal Rawal. John is known for his commendable physique and comprehensive lifestyle, entangled with multiple projects spreadout to be launched throughout this year John shows the very elegance in exhibiting a large yet minimalistic lifestyle. During many interviews John spoke about his little to no interests when it comes to shopping of clothes, or vastly spending much of time in doing so. Residing at his very fascinating residence in Khar-Bandra, John Abraham is usually found adoring his collection of Rides.

6 feeter Hunk is recognized for his beasty appearance, also known to groove in any possible outfit, whether it be ethnic or western, formals or role-playing costumes. In his recent story-posts on Instagram John posted a few clicks tagging along Kunal Rawal, who seems to be the designer of the outfits worn by John Abraham.

[Image Source: JohnAbraham IG stories]

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