J&K DGP: Pak Trying to Bring Drug Culture to the Kashmiri Youth 

J&K DGP Dilbag Singh has revealed concerning details about Pakistan’s continued efforts to cause violence and anarchy in Jammu and Kashmir using the same tactics that it has used in Punjab. He cited the peddling of drugs in the territory as an ongoing attempt by India’s western neighbour to destabilise the region after the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A. “Terrorism is dying in the valley as no civilian casualties, no stone pelting is reported nowadays. In fact, stones are being used for construction purposes now and not to hurt anyone. The change is visible,” he told Republic.

The J&K DGP also highlighted how Pakistan is trying to revive violence in Punjab by infiltrating and distributing drugs among the Punjabi youth, decades after the Khalistani terrorism was brought to an end. He emphasised that the same model is also being used in J&K “Terrorism ended in Punjab, but youngsters are often lured towards drugs. The same model of destruction is now being followed in J&K. Pakistan is following the ‘Punjab model’ in Jammu and Kashmir. Since terrorism has almost ended in the territory, efforts are still being made to hook youth towards drugs.” The government has consequently opened multiple rehabilitation centres for the youth to ensure that they are not lured to pick up arms against the state under the influence of drugs.

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