James Cameron: AI Can’t Write Good Scripts 

After Christopher Nolan, legendary filmmaker James Cameron has also spoken against the use of Artificial Intelligence. In his recent chat with CTV, Cameron said that AI cannot capture human emotions like a human mind does. He recalled making Terminator in 1984 to warn about AI and its dangers but does not believe that it is capable of writing scripts. “I just don’t personally believe that a disembodied mind that’s just regurgitating what other embodied minds have said — about the life, about love, about lying, about fear, about mortality, and just put it all together into a word salad and then regurgitate it,” he said.

James Cameron also added that it is going to be a long time before the scope of AI can be taken seriously in writing films. “I don’t believe AI is ever going to have something that is going to move an audience. You have to be human to write that. I don’t know anyone that is even thinking about having AI write a screenplay. Let’s wait another 20 years. And, if an AI wins an Oscar for best screenplay, I think we have got to take them seriously.” James Cameron is currently working on the future Avatar films after the recent success of Avatar: Way of Water.

Image source: AFP

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