Jaishankar Highlights India’s Pride Shri Narendra Modi and Foreign Policy Integration in Lok Sabha Polls

Union External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, in his interview with the Hindustan Times, emphasized the merging of foreign and domestic policies under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He noted that diplomatic issues have now become central topics during India’s general elections. Jaishankar’s remarks not only reflect the growing public interest in foreign policy but also a sense of national pride in India’s elevated global standing under Modi’s leadership. He shared insights from his election visits across nine or ten states, where he consistently received questions about foreign policy from voters. This heightened awareness, according to Jaishankar, is a testament to the pride in Modi’s leadership and the recognition that global threats, such as pandemics or terrorism, inevitably impact domestic life. He also pointed out that the BJP’s election manifesto now dedicates significantly more space to foreign policy than ever before, illustrating its increased importance to the electorate.

The minister, in his interview, also discussed India’s proactive role in international conflicts, specifically mentioning PM Modi’s interventions in the Russia-Ukraine war. This highlights India’s active and influential position on the global stage, a fact that should reassure the audience about India’s growing global influence. Furthermore, Jaishankar criticized Western media for their negative portrayal of Indian elections, suggesting they cannot adapt to India’s evolving image. He argued that Western countries, accustomed to influencing global narratives for the past 200 years, struggle to accept an India that does not conform to their expectations. Jaishankar accused the Western media of favoring a particular class or ideology, feeling unsettled when the Indian electorate chooses differently. This sentiment reflects a broader theme of India’s asserting its independent identity and priorities, which may not always align with Western perspectives. In conclusion, Jaishankar’s remarks underscore a significant shift in India’s political landscape, where foreign policy is no longer a niche concern but a mainstream electoral issue driven by national pride and an increasingly informed and engaged public.

[Image Source: Pgurus]

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