Israeli Police’s elite Yamam unit successfully rescued hostages from Hamas

Israeli Police’s elite Yamam unit successfully rescued hostages from Hamas captivity in Gaza after 245 days

Israeli police rescued the hostages Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan, and Andrey Kozlov, were freed following a raid by Yamam operatives. The rescue operation, documented through body camera footage, shows the unit engaging in firefights before reaching the hostages. The soldiers instructed the captives to identify themselves, reassuring them, “We’ve come to save you.” The video concludes with the hostages fleeing while Yamam soldiers provided cover fire and neutralized the militants. The operation involved simultaneous actions at two locations by Yamam and Shin Bet operatives, highlighting the intensity of the mission.

The Israel Police later released a statement detailing the operation and showcasing the bravery of the rescuers. Additionally, footage from the Israel Defense Force (IDF) captures the moment the freed hostages boarded a “Yasur” helicopter post-rescue, emphasizing the relief and safety following their ordeal. Yamam, also known as the National Counter-Terrorism Unit, is one of four special units of the Israeli Border Police. Its responsibilities include offensive raids against terrorist targets in civilian areas, hostage-rescue operations, tactical duties, and undercover police work, underscoring its critical role in counter-terrorism and security efforts.

[Image Source: TheTimesofISR]

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