International Yoga Day: How Yoga is a Way of Life

The world will celebrate International Yoga Day on June 21, where people across the globe will practice Yoga asanas to mark the occasion. But Yoga has been largely promoted as a form of fitness, even though it is much more than that. Those who have sought a deeper knowledge of Yoga will understand that it is a way of life. It not only promotes fitness but the overall well-being of the human body and mind. Practising meditation is a core part of Yoga, and it is intended to relieve stress and relax your mind.

Meditating every day significantly raises self-awareness as you get to gather and process all your thoughts and feelings in utmost silence. On the physical front, practising Yoga increases your core strength and stamina without requiring a lot of space or equipment. According to its teachings, physical and mental health are interconnected, as neither of them can exist without one another. Pranayam, Bhujangasana, Virabhadrasana, Parsvottanasana are some of the basic breathing exercises and poses you can try this International Yoga Day; but making Yoga a part of your everyday life will truly make a tremendous difference in your overall well-being.

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