How sedentary lifestyle can be worse than smoking  

The modern lifestyle has become more hectic than ever; and yet, most of us lead a sedentary lifestyle without even realising it. Spending about 8-10 hours a day in the office can be extremely tiring, which is why people tend to lose motivation to hit the gym. But at the end of the day, not getting enough exercise a day is going to significantly damage your health regardless of any excuses. Many health experts claim that a sedentary lifestyle can perhaps be even more dangerous than smoking, and there are multiple facts to back it up.   

Some of the biggest health setbacks that being inactive include slow blood circulation in your body, weakening of bones and muscles, reducing your body’s capacity to burn facts and causing obesity and increased cardiovascular problems, to name a few. Not getting enough exercise is also linked to other life-threatening diseases like cancer, as the American Cancer Society claims that sitting for long hours can result in lung, uterine, colon and other forms of cancer. A sedentary lifestyle can thus yield worse health results than smoking.

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