How Poor Dental Health Can Directly Impact the Brain

A growing number of people today suffer from poor dental health due to a lack of hygiene. While maintaining poor dental health can cause bad breath and other problems like tooth decay, gum and root infections, its impact may be more severe than that. A recent study by Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, has found that it can also directly impact the brain. Badly maintaining your teeth and mouth can cause shrinking of the brain in the hippocampus area, which can ultimately cause major problems like Alzheimer’s, as a person’s memory is strongly linked with the volume of the brain.
Along with a direct impact on the brain, poor dental health can also have adverse effects on your mental health and confidence. It is a major aspect of personal grooming and should not be ignored at any cost. Many people today are not in the habit of brushing twice a day – once before sleeping and once after waking up. Simply following this basic cleansing routine and properly cleaning your tongue will shield you from all major dental problems and the health issues that may follow later on.

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