How afternoon naps can be counterproductive to your health

Most of us experience afternoon drowsiness post lunch, and those of us who have the option often go for afternoon naps. They make us feel refreshed and keep us active and alert for the rest of the day. It is also generally believed that afternoon naps are good for your health and keep the body well-rested. However, there is a flip side to this fact that it can possibly do more harm than good for your health. In their conversation with HT Digital, medical experts have stated how afternoon naps can damage your health.   

They have stated that people who tend to take afternoon naps for over 30 minutes are likely to have a higher Body Mass Index or BMI, as well as higher blood pressure. Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, U.S.A., have conducted research that has found a strong link between afternoon naps and obesity. These problems eventually result in heart conditions and other problems that can put your long-term health on the line. Lastly, they have added that afternoon naps can be helpful only to people who are sleep deprived. 

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