HM Amit Shah Points our Nehru’s Two PoK Blunders in Parliament 

HM Amit Shah addressed the Lok Sabha yesterday to discuss the passing of the J&K Reservation (Amendment) Bill 2023 and J&K Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill 2023. He spoke in detail about why these bills were important for the people of Jammu and Kashmir and added that seats in the state’s assembly had been reserved for the representatives from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). Shah launched an unsparing attack on Congress by calling out two major blunders of Bharat’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, that led to Pakistan occupying the part of J&K that remains in their control to date.

The first blunder by Nehru raised by HM Amit Shah was calling for a ceasefire during Bharat and Pakistan’s first 1947-48 war when the Indian army retaliated after the Pakistani army tried to forcefully occupy Jammu and Kashmir. Shah reiterated that Nehru made a blunder by calling a ceasefire when the Indian army was gaining ground, adding that PoK would not be under Pakistan’s occupation if the ceasefire had been announced three days later.

The second blunder highlighted by HM Amit Shah was Nehru’s decision to approach the United Nations to resolve this matter. His jibes were met with an enormous uproar by the Congress MPs, who walked out in protest. The Winter Parliament Sessions will continue, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi being expected to address the Lok Sabha soon.

Image source: Sansad TV

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