Health benefits of cold showers that you must know

Fitness experts and enthusiasts often emphasise the health benefits of cold showers, but most people still prefer bathing in a hot shower. Just like getting ample sleep, eating home-cooked food, and drinking 3-4 litres of water have multiple health advantages, getting cold showers also has several benefits that will dissolve your existing health issues and shield you from many others. It is an underrated daily habit that will boost your physical and mental health like none other. Here are a few health benefits of cold showers that you must know.  

Health benefits of cold showers  

Increases blood circulation  

You must have experienced heavy breathing while having a cold shower. This happens due to the sudden boost in blood circulation that takes place after the cold water hits your skin. It is vital for your blood to reach every corner of your body, especially your internal organs. One of the health benefits of cold showers is that they also increase your cardiovascular strength and keep all related problems at bay.  

Reduces acne and itchy skin  

Many people are used to bathing in extremely hot water, which causes irritation on their skin and causes acne. Switching to cold showers will automatically give your skin a soothing sensation and prevent acne from forming and spreading on your face. This is perhaps the core part of one’s skincare routine that often gets ignored.   

Boosts weight loss  

The increased heart rate and blood circulation during a cold shower is a rather subtle contributor towards weight loss. During cold conditions, your fat cells turn into brown fat, which ultimately generates heat in your body, thereby aiding fat loss. You may have thus noticed that your body fat visibly retracts during cold showers.  

Counters muscle soreness  

Any gym enthusiast must have been advised at some point by their trainers to have cold showers after an intense workout. This is because cold showers automatically boost blood circulation, which also reaches your trained muscle. This reduces soreness and muscle cramp that may occur later, depending on the intensity of the workout. 

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