Google’s AI ‘Godfather’ Geoffrey Hinton resigns, citing potential dangers

Geoffrey Hinton is regarded as one of the most experienced minds in Artificial Intelligence who has been a revered Google employee for a decade. He has now announced his departure from the company citing the potential’ dangers’ that this technology poses. In his recent interview with the New York Times, he stated that ChatGPT and related technology could create a misinformation crisis and poses a great threat to humanity.  

Geoffrey Hinton said that as this technology progresses, the internet will be filled with fake videos and content that can be misleading. He furthermore emphasized how it risks job security in professions of all sectors. Hinton’s resignation has come as alarming news around the world as people begin questioning the safety of Artificial Intelligence. Quite recently, some of the most influential tech names and companies including had decided to halt developments in AI to make sure that it does not become prematurely advanced in capabilities. 

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