Fruits that can help you treat Arthritis

The treatment of chronic health problems like Arthritis requires professional attention, but there are several habits that you can develop to contribute from your own end. Anything related to our physique is somehow linked to our diets, and so are bones and joints. If you are struggling to overcome Arthritis, you can turn to citrus fruits that contain Vitamin C to overcome this problem, as per Healthline. Some of the most common citrus fruits include oranges, lemons and mosambis, which can be consumed daily.  

Apples and cherries are other great options to treat Arthritis. They are filled with rich fibre and greatly help reduce and maintain the acidic levels in our body, according to Cleveland Clinic. They are also filled with antioxidants and can make a huge difference in strengthening our bones and ultimately improving our joints. However, it should be noted that this is not a universally effective treatment, and its impact may vary from person to person. 

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