Former VP Mike Pence begins presidential campaign against Trump in Iowa

United States’ former VP Mike Pence is officially launching his campaign to become the Republican Presidential candidate against the likes of Senator Ron DeSantis, and former President Donald Trump, under whose administration Pence had served as the VP, according to AP. During this campaign in Des Moines, Iowa, Pence will become the first Vice President in US history to take on his former serving senior in this political battle. While political commentators believe that the final round for the Republican candidacy will be between Donald Trump and Ron DiSantis, Pence has aggressive plans to hold public rallies across the country.  

Having said that, former VP Mike Pence will be facing long odds towards becoming the Republican candidate as Trump and DeSantis command massive popularity among voters. The risen inflation rates and the economic crisis under the current Biden administration have given Republicans the anti-incumbency edge, and any politician who manages to become the Republican candidate has a strong probability of becoming the next United States President. Their elections will be taking place next year, which coincidentally happens to be when India’s General elections are taking place. 

Image source: AP

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