Former Gujarat Minister Vallabhbhai Vaghasiya dies in a road accident

Former Gujarat Minister for Agriculture and Urban Housing, Vallabhbhai Vaghasiya, has recently passed away in a road crash in Gujarat’s Amreli district. He was driving near the Savarkundla town in the district on Thursday night when his car rammed into a bulldozer, a Vanda police station official told PTI. The accident reportedly took place around 8:30 pm while he was returning from a village. A person accompanying Vaghasiya in the vehicle also sustained injuries and is currently being treated, but the former minister could not survive this accident and succumbed to his injuries.  

A large number of BJP’s party leaders and supporters had gathered outside the hospital in mourning. Current BJP MLA of Savarkundla Mahesh Kaswala has further confirmed this news and sent his condolences to the family, saying, “The leader who worked as a skilled organiser and a mass leader, and served the people of Amreli is no more with us. We pray for his departed soul and strength to his family to bear the loss.” The former Gujarat Minister had served during the first term of former Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani’s government after serving as the MLA of Savarkundla town.   

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