First Post-Partum Pill Approved; Here’s What You Need to Know

Post-Partum depression is a lesser-known condition that many mothers who have recently given birth to their children go through. These women experience bouts of anxiety and despair after childbirth, and there has been no treatment for it until now. But now, Sage Therapeutics and Biogen have launched a new drug that will help them overcome post-partum depression, as per AP. The pill has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States, which vouches for its safety and effectiveness. The pill, which is named Zurzuvae, is made from a drug called Brexanolone which requires 60 hours of intravenous infusion in the hospital.   

This drug is obtained at the price of $34,000, as per the New York Times. This pill reportedly has to be consumed once in 14 days. Sage Therapeutics and Biogen said in a statement, “Zurzuvae is expected to launch and be commercially available in the fourth quarter of 2023 shortly following scheduling as a controlled substance by the US Drug Enforcement Administration, which is anticipated to occur within 90 days.” The market value of this pill is yet to be ascertained.   

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