Excess olive oil likely to cause cholesterol

People around the world are increasingly opting for olive oil in their food thanks to its health benefits. Fitness enthusiasts actively lobby for olive oil, but what they don’t emphasise is the potential damage they can do if not consumed in the right portions. It has been revealed in a new Indian Express report that including an excess amount of olive oil in your diet could very well lead to high cholesterol. Just like diet food, people also tend to liberally go for extra olive oil and opt for fried snacks and food; but at the end of the day, olive oil is still oil.  

One of the key differences between food cooked in olive oil and regular fried food is that olive oil contains unsaturated fats, which are good for the body. But consuming too much unsaturated fat also leads to weight gain and can be detrimental to the entire idea of having a healthy diet. India has been consistently recording a rise in cholesterol cases, and it is vital for our masses to be more aware of a balanced diet rather than simply following momentary trends that can cause more harm than good. 

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